The weather has been changeable this week after the cold from the start to now wet. I wanted to get out , however I am still on nursing duty so had to complete my chores before setting off, and needed to be back for lunchtime medication. So I planned a local loop. I would head out to the canal at Loxwood cutting over to Drungewick before reaching it. Then back along the canal to Brewhurst before turning north into woodlands and across into Loxwood. Finally back via Devil's hole lock.
I followed the well trodden path to Loxwood over the fields. I set off down Plaistwo road until turnign through the fields at Headsfoldswood farm. Across the B2133 onto Brewhurst Lane. At the cottages I turned down the track following the path into Birch copse. Onto the track through the woods then a larger track that led to Drungewick kennels. Down the lane to the canal at the Aqueduct.Along the very full canal past Baldwin's Knob lock to the bridge at Brewhurst farm (completing the loop). Over the bridge and along the muddy track into the fields on the north side. Up the field edges and into the small wood before Loxwood road. Over the road and down past the cabinet makers sheds.
More fields - I should have stayed on the track, but the stile led the other side of the fence. Around two sides of the field (very soggy) and down to a small stream.. Over this and up the scrubby grass on the other side, and into the grass fields leading to the edge of Loxwood village. Down another field to Spy Lane and into a twitten leading back to the B2133. I crossed over and into the new housing estate as the ongoing path was fenced off. At the end of the estate a gate led onto spare land and a rough path parallel to the old one. at the end I had to go off-piste to cross the fence and hedge to get onto the Bridleway. The other end of the path was fenced as well protecting all the new building.
Now back to Ifold along the path leading down to Devil's hole lock. Back into the village along the canal path then throguh the adder field. Back through the village to our house with the spring bulbs showing on our verge.