A shorter walk, with a view to combine it with a trip to Tesco's for the weekly shop. The aim was to park in the municipal car park at Pulborough, then down to the Brooks, following the river Arun to the nature reserve, through that to the visitor's centre. Returning via the Wiggonholt church and back to the brooks flood plain, leading up to the high street, and back to the car park.
The walk started down a lane beside the far end of the car park, that led down to the open fields beyond.Out onto the open flood plain - the path is also an art trail with sculptures/ paintings on all sign posts. The views across to the South Downs beyond showed the ridge from Bignor to Washington.
Caught up with the river Arun where it is joined by the river Stor, then on down the bank beside it.
Passing a point where the local must go swimming - Bertie was not allowed in, just in case
The river bent away from the path as we turned towards the nature reserve - where the woods cover the bank rising from the flood plain.
Up the bank and into some grazing fields, beyond the RSPB nature trail (no dogs allowed on that).
Leaving the fields after the church at Wiggonholt, the path drops into some woods, on a wide trail.
The trail ends at the car park for the nature reserve (lots of maintenance work going on). We did not stay but turned about and returned to the church.
Back at the church we took the alternative return path to Pulborough, that ran up between the fields back to the brooks.
Back at the brooks, on the eastern side of the ponds, with views up beyond Pulborough.
The route followed the eastern side of the flood plain in and out of a hedged track, until we re crossed the river Stor - Bertie took a quick dip where the cows had dropped the bank.
Up to the A283 and views back over the brooks to the south downs.
Along the main road through the village and back to the car park. Next stop the supermarket.