The forecast was indicating that rain was due later in the day, so I chose a route around Brinsbury where we could leave straight after dropping Sue off. The idea was to make our way down to Pulborough then across to Gay Street, followed by curving around and up to the Blue Idol. From here across to the A29 and back around to Brinsbury.
A short shower on the way to the college foretold of later weather, however by the time we had parked up it had passed over. Out through the buildings and down the farm track . At a stream we went through a gate and climbed a bank up to the edge of a horse field. A grass field beyond before the first of today's path alterations .. here we went through the hedge and had to go along a fence and onto a patch between two fencesThis mutated into a farm track, but we missed where the path slipped onto the field and ended up in a stable complex and were shooed out un-ceremonially. Across Backgate Lane and down a farm driveway until we could cross into the fields down to Pickhurst Lane
Then down a track leading past Wiltshire's farm (residential) and along a field. The track curved around to meet Hill farm Lane, where we crossed into the farm yard at Codmore Hill
Through the yard onto the gallops - finding the path was guesswork, but we followed a baring and picked up the exit down onto the A29.
Along the main road until nearly at the roundabout, and down a twitten - finding it was not obvious due to the new builds. This went down and across the rail tracks.
Up the other side and into the nursery grounds of New Place farm - currently full of Southern water construction vehicles. The path then followed field boundaries to Broomers Hill Lane.
Across the lane and down the driveway to the farm of the same name. around the farm and dodging some sheep in the field before following the line of water pipe works.
We crossed the pipeline work and climbed up beyond. This ended at Nutbourne Road, which we crossed and walked down the driveway to Redfold farm.
A complex manoeuvre to get around the cattle in the field next to the farm, but we escaped with little issue. The path then angled through the vineyard beyond (still to be picked)
The path then dropped down to Gate Street, where we crossed the lanes and walked along the hedge into west wood.
Through a number of fields (first one ploughed then grassed) before picking up West Sussex Literary Trail as it entered Woodshill copse.
Across a back road and beside Willetts farm. the path then zigzagged through Cannon copse. Across the B2133 and onto Oldhouse Lane
We followed the ancient lane as it worked up towards Blue Idol - the Quaker meeting house. At around Oldhouse Farm the track became tarmacked and we continued until almost at the A272.
Through the fields to Coneyhurst Farm, where we had a short section down West Chiltington Lane.
back across the fields then a diversion around a field before correcting down the driveway for South House Farm.
Onto another path beyond the buildings and back into the fields. The last one before Marringdean farm was a aeroplane grass strip.
Another string of grass fields before merging onto a farm track with a special signal over the level crossing. Down the track and over the A29 and into more fields (here the path was not obvious) but we found it part way across the first field.
Across B2133 at Lordings cottages then back into the fields.
Around Knobs Crook and through sheep fields up to and around Woodlands farm
The path merged onto a farm track which then became tarmacked as it passed Lee Place House. Then down Blackgate lane past Northwood farm and Haybourne. At this point the rain returned and we crossed the fields back to Brinsbury gettign wetter. Back at the car we ran away home to get dry before returning to pick up Sue.