17 November 2023

Queen Elizabeth Forest Circuit, South Downs

 A brief respite in the rain and today was bright with a promise of sun, so to relieve the pent up frustration Bertie and I wen tout for a walk. I planned to go over to Buriton (free parking) and then around the Queen Elizabeth forest taking in Butser windmill - just a short walk after the earlier extensive (but very wet) walk this week.

I parked below the church next to teh village pond in Buriton and we set off across the fields above. these led into the woods of Appleton copse, hence to the South Downs way
A slight Zigzag and we set off (slightly up) into Ludgersham Copse - the obvious route was along a track used by bikes rather than the footpath. Over the top of Head Down and the track descended easily down the other side.
The track ended at the edge of the plantation and mutated into a path that continued across a ploughed field continuing to drop into the corner.
Onto the back road following the railway line then picking up a byway opposite a house. This byway climbed up in the trees to Chalton peak.
Over the peak we could look over to the windmill on the hill opposite, then back on the back road dropping down to the village of Chalton and out the other side.
Under some powerlines and into a turnip field to begin the climb up to the windmill. Initially it is gentle but with a real kick at the end.
The top of the hill was a farm and the windmill - now all private residences. From here we went down the drive towards the A3 with views over to the QEII forest filling the skyline. Underneath the slope was Butser ancient farm.

Beside the A3 we left the driveway and crossed another turnip field, crossing the driveway to Butser ancient farm.
Past the farm continuing in the same direction to cross the back road from Charlton and down a bridleway opposite leading to the edge of the QEII forest.
Into the forest and picking up the perimeter track that followed the forest edge curving around.
Continuing as the track approached the A3 and dropping slightly towards the main visitors centre. However at the first car park we turned up the slight valley.
We followed the road up since the footpath was blocked by a pack of dogs on their collective dog walk. At the next hairpin on the road we left into the car park and continued up the valley base. there was a series of mountain bike trials areas to go with the numerous tracks through the trees along this path..
The track came out at a large set of junctions - we have been here a number of times before, and chose the only track we had never used - this contoured around the top (north) end of the forest up to a point where we could cut back and down on a slippery chalk track
This led to the back road - Kiln Lane at the point where it goes under the rail tracks. From here we followed the roads back through the village to the car park at the pond.