03 February 2025

Ashdown Forest Circuit

I was back over on Ashdown forest as I had to pick up Sue later in the day. I worked out a route around the main areas parking near Camp Hill and following the Vanguard way up to Newbridge. Then over to Colemans hatch, and down to Chelwood Vachery, and a snaking path to Nutley Windmill. Before following Crowborough road to Camp hill and the car park.

I parked in the Pylons car park beside the B2026 paying my daily charge, and then set off over the road and through the gorse bushes to get to the Wealdway track. The track was muddy in places and had a number of cross streams running over the track, with a lot of churned up areas - this was going to be consistent all day.
Staying on the track where the roman road crossed over and followed the Vanguard way still parallel to the B2026
These tracks were all much the same apart for the views over the Ashdown areas.
Across the road again to the car park at Gils lap, and around the vcorner to take in the clump
At the clump (there are a number of these tight groves of pine trees on high points) I turned to drop off the hill.
Dropping down the hill and picking up the wider track again, into woods at the bottom.
Out of the woods and across the water splash at Newbridge.
up Kidds Hill road to continue on t he vanguard way. Initially starting on a driveway before back to the muddy paths.
Around the cricket and bowls pitches, then through the pen woods over Colemans hatch road.
Following a path parallel to the Colemans hatch road.
Staying higher on the slope passing anther "clump"
Finally coming out at the Forest centre in the hamlet of Colemans Hatch.
Over the road again and down through the grounds of Ashdown Park Hotel.
Through the attached golf course, over a stream and up the other side.
The track crossed Half Moon Copse, and around the Llama park.
Over the A22 and across the heath skirting the vachery.
Staying on the track up to the Vachery driveway, then down a driveway to one of the attached buildings.
Leaving this to drop down the slope heading towards Millbrook farm, The track here was not very well defined.
Back on a "proper" track it was exceedingly muddy, so I cut my losses and headed back up hill.
Back up crossing the A22 at the car parks - effectively doing a long U-turn. The path continued down the next side before climbing up tot he windmill.
Over the stream at the bottom of the slope over the stream then steeply up the other side.
Around the fence of Maripitts farm and past the Nutley Windmill.
Now parallel to the Crowborough road through the heath land past Friends clump.
Back on the wide (and muddy) tracks - I even had to escape into the trees at the side to avoid the worst parts.
Past a couple of ponds, then climbing again up towards camp hill.
past the top of the hill, onwards towards the wireless aerial.
Crossing the B2026 just after the police training grounds and a final section of wide tracks before the smaller footpath back to the car park.